YUSUF BİLGE Click for Artist Information

Kağıt üzeri sulu boya, 16x12 cm, Çerçeveli



He was born in 1959 in Edremit and graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at Marmara University in 1980. In 1982, he completed the University of the Arts Bremen's Department of Art and Sculpture's Professor Waldemar Otto Workshop as “meisterschüler”. He then opened his first studio in Germany in 1988.


Yusuf Bilge returned to Turkey in 2008 and opened his first studio there in Kuzguncuk, Istanbul in 2009. Now, he continues to work from the studio he opened in 2010 in Cankaya, Ankara.


His pieces feature animal and tree figures, portraits and elements of Turkish culture such as hajji doors and wish trees. He has created a wide range of characteristic compositions by portraying post-impressionist interpretations of ethnic Turkish culture elements.